Welcome. A lot of people seem to have enjoyed my last Klingon font, Klinzhai, and what with the new Star Trek movie opening today, and the great many Klingons that are in it, I thought I'd put together another one for you. I hope you like it. I call it Klingo, and it's my conceptualization of how Klingons might write graffiti if the Klingon homeworld was plagued by gangs of youths with spray cans. It's silly, but it might appeal to some of you. I've tried to anticipate most of the questions you might have, please take a few minutes to read through the rest of this document. It is divided up into four chapters. You're about finished with Chapter1 right now.   When you've finished reading this document, by all means, try out the font. If you've got comments, criticisms, ideas, or suggestions, I'd certainly like to hear them, so send me a card or letter. I'm always delighted to hear from the people using my fonts. You can reach me at the address listed in Chapter four. By the way, this font is dedicated to Timothy Artus, my way of thanking him for the very nice letter he wrote and sent along with his shareware fee for Klinzhai. Thanks Tim! Lawrence M. Schoen December 1991